Donations stay local to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care.

Indiana Academy Gameathon profile picture

Indiana Academy Gameathon

Extra Life 2024

Join Our Team

The Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities Gameathon

This is the Extra Life page for the Indiana Academy Gameathon team.  On February 10, 2024, we will be holding a fundraiser from 12 pm till 12 am, and students of the Indiana Academy will be able to raise money in order to obtain coveted Academy service or community service hours.  In doing so, we will be directly helping the Riley Hospital for Children, as it will be the recipient of any funds raised.

Participating students will earn an hour of service for each hour spent playing games of any kind during the fundraiser, up to a maximum of 10 hours per student.

Our team goal is $1,000, and each participating student is required to have raised a minimum of $5 in order to obtain credit.  We hope to at least reach our goal, though surpassing it should also be doable.

We need your help!

Your donation is tax-deductible and will help change kids' health to change the future. Simply click on the "Donate" button at the top of the page to help.



Team Members