Donations stay local to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care.

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Known World United

Extra Life 2024

Join Our Team


We're back. YEAR TEN! Thank you to everyone who has joined in playing games to help change kids' health and change the future and raised funds as part of Known World United in the past. Our team is fundraising for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. We welcome everyone back and to any brave souls who would also like to join: We're stronger, United!

Over these last 10 years together, we have raised $96575.02 to benefit Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare by streaming board, video, and roleplaying games, interviews and chats, building legos, crafting, solving mysteries, and so much more. Whatever it is you'd like to do to contribute, know that your support and activities have benefited countless kids and their families coping with illness and medical costs.

That means we only need to raise $3,424 to break ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. 

Our team fundraising goal is $20,240.00 USD for 2024 and everyone can help us reach it in their own way! Whether you want to jump into fundraising and have never done it, simply want to keep playing in games and supporting in that way, are looking to make donations, or have been here for the long haul, THANK YOU!

We need your help!

Your donation is tax-deductible and will help change kids' health to change the future. Simply click on the "Donate" button at the top of the page to help.



Team Members