Playing in support of

Where does my money go?


Donations stay local to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care.

Learn more about this hospital
I've pledged to play games and raise funds for kids at my local children's hospital.

2024: 1st Goal $400

Banding Together to Make Change:

Everyone has an Extra Life story: 

My team captain is my reason. 

Because of an unfortunate experience at a young age, he needed CMN Hospitals and they were there for him. During his stay, to help make things feel as normal as they could, they provided gaming opportunities while he was hurting.

I joined Extra Life because of his story and because I firmly believe that the power of games can help kids get through the tough times while they are sick.

This is my ninth year using my skills as a gamer to help raise charity funds with my streaming community for Extra Life.

Over the years I have learned many skills which have made me a better Extra Life streamer. 

Together as a community we have flourished into one of the strongest small communities out there. 

Together with our teammates in Team AcaGameia we help provide funding for lifesaving care and research for our local CMN hospitals across the United States.

We do this through our own donations, as well as by asking you, our friends and family to also donate to the cause while earning perks that help make our streams more fun and interactive. 

Over the years your donations have gotten me to: 

Bark like a dog, sing songs, do the chicken dance, eat questionably tasting beans, shave my head, chop my beard in half, dye my hair, speak in silly accents, game without my glasses, add silly hats, remove my chair, and made me do exercise to get fit!

This year we will have many more silly perks and incentives for you!

My charity streams are the most magical when your donations do things to shake the normal gaming up and get me outside of my comfort zone.

This year I'm going to be expanding the options to offer more chaos and fun.

How It Works

  • Now, more than ever, local Children's Miracle Network Hospitals need our help.

  • I'm uniting with thousands of gamers to play games and change kids' health to change the future.

  • Donations through this page stay at my local children's hospital.

Your donation is tax-deductible and will make miracles happen for families who desperately need them. Simply click the "Donate" button at the top, or chose a incentive button on the right side of this page to help. 
