Je joue pour soutenir

Comment les dons sont-ils utilisés?

Je soutiens

Les dons sont utilisés localement pour financer des soins intensifs, des soins de santé, de l’équipement médical pédiatrique, et le soin charitable de malades.

Découvrez cet hôpital

I've pledged to play games and raise funds for kids at my local children's hospital.

How It Works

  • Now, more than ever, local Children's Miracle Network Hospitals need our help.

  • I'm uniting with thousands of gamers to play games and change kids' health to change the future.

  • Donations through this page stay at my local children's hospital.

Your donation is tax-deductible and will make miracles happen for families who desperately need them. Simply click the "Donate" button at the top of this page to help. 

Here's why it matters to me

When my oldest child was born, he had to be in the NICU for several days.  Over the course of his first year, he didn't grow the way he was supposed to, and he started to develop a thick patchy rash all over his head.

We saw doctor after doctor and specialist after specialist, but it wasn't until we saw a dermatologist at Riley in Indianapolis (we were living in Lafayette at the time) that we made any progress.  She was the first one to suggest we get him allergy tested, and those tests were the beginning of the end of our problems.  He turned out to be allergic to half a dozen common allergens.  Once we eliminated those, he started growing like a weed and his rash went away. 

Now, at 14, he once again started developing a rash.  This time, we went straight to the allergist, and once again he's allergic to several common allergens.   We're working through it, this time with a different team of doctors.  But if it wasn't for our experience at Riley 13 years ago, we wouldn't have known what to do.  So even though they aren't our doctor's this time, we're thankful for what we learned from them.

Our problems aren't life-threatening, but there are lots of other kids out there with problems that are. Whether their problems are serious or not-so-serious, kids deserve great healthcare, optimized for them. Children's Miracle Network helps make that happen, and we're proud to support them.

Here's what we're doing

On Sunday, April 13, we'll be streaming for Extra Life Tabletop Appreciation weekend.  We'll be streaming boardgames in the morning, and in the afternoon we'll be streaming our regular D&D game, featuring the Red Star Rising Campaign by Gooey Cube.

Also, for the 6th straight year, we'll also be doing our normal yearly 24 hour stream. But we're old, so this year we'll be dividing it in two pieces.  Watch this space for more details as November approaches.

All your donations are tax deductible and will stay in the local communities where you donate, for us that's here in Indianapolis, Indiana.  

Here's what's in it for you

Besides the great feeling you'll get from helping out kids in our local children's hospital, we're also planning some great incentives and raffles again this year!  We try and work with vendors we know, and new ones every year to supply some fun prizes.  Prizes last year donated by Peculiar Sawdust , Noble Knight Games, and Alchemy Hour.  Watch this space for more prize details later this year.

How to donate

To make a donation, click the big blue button.  We don't have any incentives at this time, but we will for the big gameday in November!
