Je joue pour soutenir

Comment les dons sont-ils utilisés?

Je soutiens

Les dons sont utilisés localement pour financer des soins intensifs, des soins de santé, de l’équipement médical pédiatrique, et le soin charitable de malades.

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Capitaine de l’Équipe Warriors For Miracles Extra Life 2024

Soutenez-moi !
Back in 2016 my daughter underwent a lengthy stay after a routine surgery recovery didn't go as planned.

Through Extra Life, The Children's Miracle Network provided equipment, essential research, volunteers and activities to help put a smile back on my little girl's face. 

Please help with a donation if you can so kids like her can have the treatment and support they need. Together we have raised over $5000 USD over the past 8 years! Thanks for being a hero! :-)

Here's how it works

Extra Life is a 24-hour fundraising and gaming marathon to support Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.

On Game Day, me and my team will join the thousands of gamers and dedicate an entire day to play games and get donations from friends like YOU! You don't have to wait until November either! Donations are accepted year round!

100% of the donations go to my local hospital Children's Health Foundation right here in London, Ontario, Canada! TOGETHER we will make a difference for sick kids!

Your donation is tax-deductible and will make miracles happen for families who desperately need them. You can click the "Donate" button at the top of this page to make a safe and easy online donation. 
