Je joue pour soutenir

Comment les dons sont-ils utilisés?

Je soutiens

Les dons sont utilisés localement pour financer des soins intensifs, des soins de santé, de l’équipement médical pédiatrique, et le soin charitable de malades.

Découvrez cet hôpital

Extra Life: A Program of Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

I’ve pledged to play games and raise funds for kids at SickKids: The Hospital for Sick Children.

How it works:

  • Now, more than ever, local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals need our help.
  • I’m uniting with thousands of gamers to play games and change kids’ health to change the future.
  • Donations through this page stay at SickKids Hospital.

Your donation is tax-deductible and will make miracles happen for families who desperately need them. Simply click the “Donate” button at the top of this page to help.

Year 9 (🤯) Details

Quick Version (TL;DR):

Q: A:
What: A charity video game marathon!
For Who: SickKids - The Hospital for Sick Children
When: 2 x 12-hr streams, Probably November 2nd and 9th (dates may change).
Why: Good karma, helping others in need, making our world better,… why NOT??
How: I am putting my large video game collection to use in hopes for your donations and support!

I'm playing games to heal local kids

Detailed Version:

The Plan

Hi! My name is Farhan and in the last eight years, I’ve held annual charity events to raise funds for SickKids - The Hospital for Sick Children. To achieve this goal, my great friends and I participate in video gaming marathons, called Extra Life, which was created specifically to help children’s hospitals local to participants. I’m humbled and proud to say since 2016 we’ve raised over $44,000 USD for SickKids Hospital! 🙌🏽

I’m doing Extra Life again this year because not only do we have a ton of fun, but I know we can continue to help out a lot of sick children, their families, and their doctors and nurses who are in need of better hospital conditions, lab equipment, and more research into diseases and their related treatments, and more.

My Story

Girl reading a book imagining a man on a boat, rowing

On my 36th birthday in 2015, I was hospitalized when nearly the entire right side of my body gradually went numb. It was like that side of my body just went to sleep, with a pins and needles sensation. I could no longer hit a volleyball (which I was quite good at), let alone tie my own shoes! After lots of testing and a few treatments of strong steroids, most of the feeling came back. The diagnosis was a neurological disorder known as transverse myelitis, but the neurologists warned if my symptoms occur again, the new diagnosis would most likely be MS, multiple sclerosis.

A year and a half later, my worst fear was confirmed. This time it was the left side of my body having too much sensation. After another trip to the MRI scanner, the MS specialists had the proof they needed to come to the conclusion that I suffer from relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and presented me with treatment options. I must now inject myself with an absurdly expensive drug, daily. I can only hope that my body continues to accept this treatment. My right arm and hand (my dominant side) are still very weak, have that pins and needles feeling, and get ever so worse as time goes on. 😟

Even though I have this debilitating disease that can potentially get way worse, I still consider myself lucky. There are thousands of sick children who need life-saving care from specialized doctors, expensive medical equipment, and a massive amount of clinical research. Please help me help these kids and donate today!

Cast of Persona 5

Related Information
(You can scroll past this part if you want)

Extra Life

Extra Life brings board gamers and video gamers together for 24-hour gaming marathons worldwide to support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Since 2008, they have raised more than $120 million USD to help children’s hospitals provide critical treatments and healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment, research and charitable care.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is a non-profit organization founded over 40 years ago and has raised over $9 billion USD for 170 member hospitals that provide 38 million patient visits for 12 million kids each year.

72 children enter a CMN Hospital every minute!

The local CMN hospital I have chosen is SickKids - The Hospital For Sick Children.

SickKids Foundation

SickKids - The Hospital for Sick Children, affiliated with the University of Toronto, is Canada’s most research-intensive hospital and the largest centre dedicated to improving children’s health in the country.

With passionate and dedicated staff, SickKids is much more than a hospital. They work each day to provide the best in child and family-centred care, create ground-breaking clinical and scientific advancements, and train the next generation of experts in child health. Also, SickKids is a founding member of Kids Health Alliance, a network of partners committed to advancing excellence and expertise in the delivery of paediatric care in Ontario.

SickKids operates on the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. They are committed to working toward new relationships that include First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, and are grateful for the opportunity to share the land in caring for children and their families.

Nurse Morrigan on duty

SickKids is committed to being a safe space for all of our patients and families, staff, learners and volunteers, where everyone can feel seen, heard and valued as part of their equity, diversity and inclusion efforts.

If you live in Toronto, chances are that you or at least one of your family members, friends, or coworkers is someone who has been saved or helped by SickKids in some way!

Tax Deductions

Your donation is tax-deductible (if over $20 USD) and all proceeds go to help kids.

Some Incentives*
(Stop scrolling! This is the good stuff 😉)

*One incentive per donation.

Tell me what to stream!

At any time during the year, you can donate the following amounts to request what I stream on weekly on Tuesdays for at least 90 minutes!

Type of Stream Details Minimum Donation
1 game from these consoles
Sega Master System,
Game Gear,
Game Boy/GBC
$10 (USD)
1 game from these consoles
Genesis/Sega CD,
Neo Geo,
Game Boy Advance
$15 (USD)
1 game from these consoles
Sega Saturn,
Wii & Wii U,
Xbox & Xbox 360,
PS1, PS2 & PS3
$20 (USD)
1 game from these consoles
PC, Switch,
Xbox One & Xbox Series,
PS4 & PS5
$25 (USD)
Coding: 2 streams! I teach (or together we learn) something coding, programming, or scripting related $50 (USD)
Music production: 2 streams! I try to make some music, remixes or soundscapes $75 (USD)

Pick what we play during the marathon!**

**Limited quantities

In past events, my generous supporters would donate in order to pick what games we play during the charity stream from my huge list. We are doing the same thing this year, of course!

🎮 Game List near bottom of this page 🎮

Incentive Duration Minimum Donation
Pick any game 1 slot (~30 minutes) $25 (USD)
Pick any game 2 slots (~60 minutes) $45 (USD)
Pick any game 2 slots (~60 minutes) EARLY BIRD SPECIAL
before Sept. 1st, 2024
$40 (USD)

Incentives During the Marathon Stream:

As always, you can watch us, live, on on game day. As a bonus, for your entertainment, we have some incentives for you to donate to our campaign during the marathon. Some of these include (but not limited to):

Incentive Minimum Donation
Farhan eats 5 wasabi peas (he hates wasabi!) $10 (USD)
Farhan does 10 push ups $25 (USD)
Farhan takes a tequila shot, with Tabasco sauce (aka a Prairie Fire)
NOTE: these will be responsibly spaced out!
$35 (USD)
Farhan does a front hold plank for 60 seconds $50 (USD)
Farhan and current game players eat possibly sketchy/questionable food picked by Carmen $75 (USD)
Carmen applies make-up to part of Farhan’s face (stackable) $100 (USD)

Incentives During the Weekly Streams:

Incentive Minimum Donation
Farhan spins the wheel of Jelly Belly jellybeans.
(50/50 chance of it tasting SUPER GROSS!)
$5 (USD)
SPICY BeanBoozled!
Farhan spins the wheel of spicy Jelly Belly jellybeans
$5 (USD)
Farhan has to take a teaspoon full of a random hot sauce (1 of 11).
Valid until 3 different bottles are open — Then it becomes a tablespoon from one of the tree. That might be when I raise the donation amount for this one... 🥵
$7 (USD)
Farhan does 10 push ups $10 (USD)
Farhan has to wear cat ears on his headphones for the next 30 minutes $10 (USD)
Farhan does a front-hold plank for 60 seconds $20 (USD)
Farhan takes a tequila shot, with Tabasco sauce (aka a Prairie Fire)
NOTE: these will be responsibly spaced out!
$35 (USD)
Farhan will pop eight (8) BeanBoozled jellybeans in one go! $50 (USD)
Farhan will pop eight (8) SPICY BeanBoozled jellybeans in one go! $100 (USD)

The Game Lists

Below are my links to most of my games.

NOTE: If you have browsed my game library before, please note that the Backloggery website updated their user interface and may be disorienting now, as it is a lot busier than before. You can search it like before but just in case, I have separated the lists for each console below.

The first link is my Steam library (PC games) directly on Steam, but the links underneath are from my Backloggery account.

Please note: Some games on the list may not be able to be streamed due to the following possible reasons:

  • game requires a CRT TV to operate (not available during marathon)
    • such as games which require a light gun (ie. Duck Hunt)
  • game is/was a service game and is no longer accessible
    • such as the original Destiny
  • game license or subscription has expired
    • such as certain games on GamePass
  • game platform/console cannot be captured with my streaming hardware
    • such as Nintendo DS
  • game has been banned on Twitch

In any of the above cases, I will have to ask you to please select a different game and apologize for the inconvenience. That’s technology for you! 😩

Main cast of Persona 4 Golden

Join us again this year via live stream on Twitch to raise funds for the SickKids Foundation!

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