Je joue pour soutenir

Comment les dons sont-ils utilisés?

Je soutiens

Les dons sont utilisés localement pour financer des soins intensifs, des soins de santé, de l’équipement médical pédiatrique, et le soin charitable de malades.

Découvrez cet hôpital

Chat With Me TODAY!

Come join me on my discord server all day! Talk to me, yell at me, tell me I'm great, sing me a lullaby at 4AM, whatever you want!

Be My Friend on Steam! 

My friend code is 109318542, come play with me!

Welcome Back!

Thanks everyone for your awesome donations over the past four years! So far, we've raised over $15,000 to help sick kids and their families at Children's National in DC. 

Let's see how much weird, fun, and shameful stuff I can do over the course of this year's 25-hour marathon gaming session while we raise more money for this awesome cause. 

Game day starts November 2nd at 8AM and goes until 8AM the next day. 

Please check out the incentives I've posted on this page and, as always, let me know if there's anything else you want to see me do on stream.

I've pledged to play games and raise funds for kids at my local children's hospital.

how it works

  • Now, more than ever, local Children's Miracle Network Hospitals need our help.

  • I'm uniting with thousands of gamers to play games and change kids' health to change the future.

  • Learn how local children's hospitals are being impacted by COVID-19 at

  • Donations through this page stay at my local children's hospital.

Your donation is tax-deductible and will make miracles happen for families who desperately need them. Simply click the "Donate" button at the top of this page to help. 
