Extra life 2025
Over the past 7 years, The Adventurer Leagues Discord community, a server dedicated to running Adventurers Leagues D&D & homebrew D&D games, has raised over $28,000 for the Extra Life charity. In 2025 we hope to continue this amazing generosity and have set a goal for $5,000 this year! We hope you consider donating to help us reach our goal, and come join us to play some D&D! Our Website: The Adventurer Leagues
Where do I Watch?
We will have several streamers running streams on their individual Twitch channels, however all games will be hosted here: https://www.twitch.tv/theadventurerleagues, so you can watch either their stream directly, or the main stream host all day long. If you like a particular streamer, please follow/subscribe to their channel and help support each other as well!
How do You Participate?
- The biggest and best way to participate is by donating to the Extra Life charity by clicking that Donate button on this page. That helps us reach our goals and helps save sick kid's lives.
- Join our Discord server, we’ll be announcing more details there. Come join our “tavern”, say hello and get to know our amazing community, and play some D&D.
Thank You All!
We hope you enjoy participating in Extra-Life 2020, and most importantly donate, even if it's just a couple dollars, it all goes to a great cause.
And of course thank you, you all have helped to make this a special community that we all are so happy to be a part of and it's all thanks to you guys. So this stream is also a thank you to you all. See ya this weekend!
Stream Link: https://www.twitch.tv/TheAdventurerLeagues
Team Page: https://www.extra-life.org/team/TAL
The Adventurer Leagues Discord
is a group of players and DM’s looking to host and play D&D Adventurer’s League sessions, as well as other D&D campaigns and related chat and games.
To join in on the fun, please join us on the The Adventurer Leagues Discord server (Discord is a text & voice chat program/app). You will need to join the Discord server in order to message DMs and join games. All chat and Adventurer’s League games and info can be found there.
ALL games will be played using Roll20.net, which is a website that allows for online Dungeons & Dragons play. You will need a Roll20 account in order to participate and play the Adventurer Leagues games. For any questions or issues, please join us in the The Adventurer Leagues Discord server.
We need your help to reach our goal For The Kids!
Your donation is tax-deductible and will make miracles happen for families who desperately need them. To make a safe and easy online donation to a member of our team, click on the "Donate" button at the top of the page.
Thank you so much for supporting our efforts!
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