Je joue pour soutenir

Comment les dons sont-ils utilisés?

Je soutiens

Les dons sont utilisés localement pour financer des soins intensifs, des soins de santé, de l’équipement médical pédiatrique, et le soin charitable de malades.

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Michael Irigoyen

Extra Life 2025

Soutenez-moi !

Hello, I'm Michael Irigoyen and I'm on a mission to help sick and injured kids. With your help, I am raising funds for Extra Life, a gaming fundraiser that directly benefits Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Each year, these hospitals treat thousands of children, regardless of their illness, injury or even their family's ability to pay. These kids are facing scary stuff like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries they may get from just being a kid.


I am raising funds for the kids in Children's Miracle Network hospitals. I've pledged to spend an entire day gaming to raise awareness for Extra Life and I hope to break my fundraising goal this year.

Additionally, I've presented about Extra Life at API: World in San Jose in 2019 to raise even more awareness with the tech community. How did I present about a charity at a technology conference? Continue reading...

Empowering other extra life'ers with code

Are you tech savvy and looking to implement your fundraising status on your website, in your Twitch overlays, or in other JavaScript-based projects? I'm the creator and maintain of the Extra Life NPM module which can help you do just that!

You can also find the source code or submit questions or issues on GitHub. Be sure to share with the community how you're using it! And of course, you can say thanks by donating! :) 
